The project “Introducing the NEXT STEP for Innovation and Creativity in Schools through artistic, scientific and cultural initiatives” is granted funds from ERASMUS+ for a period of 24 months 2021-2023.
Europe stands before a unique potential to reinvent science learning by opening its schools to creative and innovative approaches which locate education at the heart of a learning continuum occurring in interaction with a wide spectrum of societal actors. We thus need to ensure relevant and meaningful engagement of all societal actors with science and increase the uptake of science studies and science-based careers, employability and competitiveness in light of a new world in which we learn to deal with the realities of a global pandemic.
The Creative and Innovative school seems to be an effective vehicle for such a new participatory reengineering of schooling. Yet current actions towards the Creative and Innovative school still struggle with traditional organisational structures, out-of-date curricula and lack of a long-term vision.
The NEXT STEP project is proposing a whole school approach to science learning. Building on previous successful European open schooling and STE(Arts)M initiatives, the project will bring about the NEXT STEP in education by providing a roadmap for the transformation of school classrooms into open and creative learning spaces.
NEXT STEP will look at different examples and research findings which show the need to rethink classrooms organisation in order to facilitate the Creative and Innovative school and wellbeing at school. In this framework the NEXT STEP project will design and set in operation the STEAM IDEAS’ Square, an innovative learning environment which will be the nucleus of the school’s activities. NEXT STEP will demonstrate how these environments
- can offer opportunities for deeper learning of STEAM
- can improve the innovation and creative capacities of learners
- can support the new role of teacher as a coach of the learning process
- can facilitate effective cooperation with external stakeholders
- can inspire policy-makers, school heads and school staff to imagine the schools of tomorrow
Partners in the Next Step-project are:
- Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, HVL (Norway)
- Science View (Greece)
- Nuclio (Portugal)
- Dundalk Institute of Technology (Ireland)
- Ellinogermaniki Agogi (Greece)