Project work in times of the COVID-19-pandemic

The CASE center is involved in two ongoing Erasmus+-projects, both of them will be affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19-pandemic.

The CASE-project was supposed to have it’s final Summer School in Marathon, Athens, in July. All the Summer Schools in Marathon are cancelled due to the restrictions imposed and the ongoing public health concerns regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. The project’s final International Conference, planned at Stord late August, has been postponed until December 1st-3rd. The Norwegian National Agency DIKU has accepted the project’s application for a four months extension of the project period, thus the project will run until December 31st.

The other ongoing ERASMUS+-project, GSO4SCHOOL, is also affected by the cancellation of the Summer Schools in Greece. The cancellation of the first Summer School in the project, with training of 12 teachers before their implementing of the GSO-approach in schools in Italy, Norway, Portugal, Cyprus and Greece, means that the concortium has to provide alternatives for the basic training of the teachers. The first GSO4SCHOOL International Conference was planned as a part of the GSO-festival in Bergen in September. The concortium now plan to coordinate the conference with the final conference in the CASE-project December 1st-3rd.

Hopefully, the «stay safe-stay home»-policy will make it possible to meet face-to-face by that time.

GSO4SCHOOLS Kick-off-meeting at HVL campus Stord, Norway, October 15-16

The GSO4SCHOOL Consortium members gathered for the kick-off-meeting for the project on the 15th and 16th of October at HVL campus Stord, Norway. The coming three years they will train teachers in STEAM-education in general and the GSO-methodology specifically.

The GSO4SCHOOLS project’s main aim is to train and motivate school students and teachers in the innovative GSO-methology, fusing science and art through curiosity and creativity, and to strenghten the network that will work together, exchange practices and maintain the Global Science Opera activities in the future.

The project aims to raise both school students’ and teachers’ skills in social, science, cultural and arts aspects.

The project is funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme.

Follow the project on Facebook!

At the picture, from the left:

  • Oddgeir Randa Heggland, HVL/Norway (Science teacher)
  • Menelaos Sotiriou, Science View/Greece
  • Thomas Parissis, TPCT/Cyprus
  • Anne-Beate Ulveseth Lilletvedt, HVL/Norway (Drama teacher)
  • Nina Østensjø, Atheno/Norway
  • Grethe Lønning Grimsbø, HVL/Norway (Administrative support)
  • Elise Aabel Eriksen, HVL/Norway (Financial project adviser)
  • Rosa Doran, Nuclio/Portugal
  • Magne Espeland, HVL/Norway (Chair SAB CASE)
  • Oded Ben-Horin, HVL/Norway (Head of department, Arts Education)

Sitting in front:

  • Valentina Tudisca, CNR/Italy
  • Janne Robberstad, HVL/Norway (Project coordinator)

The DigiSus-project presented for the Minister of Education

The Minister of Education in Norway, Jan Tore Sanner, visited one of the kindergarten partners in the DigiSus-project Friday 28th of June. In Sagvåg Maritime FUS kindergarten the project partners have designed a special sensory room that is the character Ansgar’s cabin. Ansgar is a fisherman and in his cabin the children can listen to sounds from the sea and birds, from boats in the harbor and to local songs. Only by touching different objects connected to the Makey Makey technology that is programmed in Scratch.

Minister Sanner got to enter the cabin and try the sounds, and he also got to experience to play piano-sounds by touching hands. Project leader Ingrid Grønsdal informed the minister about the objectives and organization of the DigiSus-project and the minister and his team expressed great interest in the project and plan to contact DigiSus directly to learn more.

Phd -student attends Climate Reality Leadership Training

Janne Robberstad is a PhD-student at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Campus Stord  researching the relationship between creativity and sustainability in a design-process. Working with international educational projects, the context for the research is the CASE-center project Global Science Opera, of which she also is the administrative production-manager. In March she participated in the Climate Reality Leadership Training in Atlanta, USA.

Her research lies in the crossroads of several fields, and it was an amazing opportunity to participate in a conference where environmental injustice was the main agenda. Atlanta, with its central history of civil right in the US, was a perfect background for getting a deeper understanding of this injustice not only being a matter of geography, but a direct result of active political choices. “We learned about the climate state of the world, of all the issues that desperately need to be solved, but also of all the great solutions already being implemented. I met other teachers who were amazed when I told them that sustainability will be an integrated part of the Norwegian national curricula from 2020.” Of course, here lies a huge responsibility for HVL, offering  Norway´s largest teacher education, to train teachers in how to do exactly this.

CASE researchers present recent findings at ECER 2018

Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?’ was the theme at ECER 2018 conference in Bolzano in early September. Within the framework Educational Design Research (EDR), innovation in in educational practices is explored in several of the CASE-center’s projects. Researcher from CASE presented their results in four papers at the session Researching for Responsible and Innovative Practices in Education: Perspectives on inclusivity/exclusivity and methodological challenges, chaired by Associate Professor Kari Holdhus. Some of the central questions asked and discussed where: How to develop research based and inclusive school concert practices? What characterizes creativity in the Write a Science Opera (WASO) context, and what do such characteristics imply for the design of WASO as a creative learning environment?


First DiSko findings seminar: Reports and preliminary results discussed with project participants

Twenty project participants, researchers and other stakeholders gathered for a 2-days seminar in early January to discuss their work and experiences in the first phase of the DiSko project

Teachers from participating schools, AYAN (project owner), researchers and musicians discussed results and findings from the first year of the DiSko project.

DiSko is an innovation project funded by the National Research Council, intending to innovate school concert practices produced and implemented nationally by Arts for Young Audiences Norway (AYAN) and regional partners in Norway. The goal of the project is to develop dialogic school concert practices through research based innovation procedures in order to respond to challenges connected to school ownership and school integration.

The first Status report “Tilstandsrapport 1, 2017, by Kari Holdhus and Magne Espeland” (in Norwegian) is published and available . “The project has come a long way towards piloting sustainable models/prototypes for production and distribution of school concerts and other art experiences for pupils were all groups involved in this work (teachers, musicians, pupils and producers) grow ownership to the productions”, says Holdhus. This first report focuses on a description of what kind of institutional conditions and participant attitudes which needs to be in place to evoke and build this kind of relations and partnerships between schools and artists.

The first cycle of DiSko continues throughout 2018. In the second cycle of the project, which starts early autumn 2018, 4 new schools from eastern Norway will enter the DiSko project

Two master students and a PhD student from the Faculty of Education, Arts and Sports at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences are linked to the project, thus linking the project to research and teacher education.

“Moon Village”: A Global Science Opera – World Premiere on Dec. 13th, 2017

Global Science Opera (GSO) is the first opera initiative in history to create, produce and perform operas as a global community. In 2017, GSO is inspired by the European Space Agency’s Moon Village vision. The opera “Moon Village” will premiere worldwide on December 13th, 2017.

The opera “Moon Village” is being created by schools, universities and art institutions in 27 countries in all the inhabited continents: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, England, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, USA, Wales and Zambia. The opera will include live streaming from European Space Agency’s Research & Technology Center (ESTEC) in Holland. The opera “Moon Village” is about human society on the future Moon Village.

It is the story of Sofia, the first of many children born in space, and the first creative school on the Moon. It is the story of what happens when the first moon generation learns about challenges here on Earth.

View the opera  online on Dec. 13th, 2017 at 14:00 GMT / 14:00 UTC / 15:00 CET

Learn more:

MoonVillage GSO:

Trailer movie:



Kick-off – Research activities in DiSko

More than thirty participants were gathered at a 2-day seminar for DiSko late September 2017. Teachers from the four participating schools, project owner, researchers, musicians and administration representatives were present. a A draft of DiSko’s first report “ Status report” was discussed. The report has been constructed from data drawn from 12 interviews with teachers and rectors from the participating schools.  It suggests a picture of how schools deal with the subject of music as well as their own performances and guest performances. During the seminar, school participants and musicians discussed framing of activities at project schools this autumn. There also was a special gathering for participating musicians as a Group.


The project will be presented at The Arts and Education 2017: Integration or Separation?,  25. October 2017.

New Erasmus+ project

The CASE Center has just been awarded with the coordination of a newly-funded EU Erasmus+ project in the focus area of school, creativity and innovation. The project name is “Creativity, Art and Science in Primary Education (CASE)”. This project will be realized within the European Commission’s “Strategic Partnership” program, and will implement trainings, conferences and school-based activities in the field of art/science. The 3-year project will be enacted in the following 5 countries: Norway, Greece, Holland, Lithuania and Ireland.

Inspiration from China!

The Global Science Opera activities in China are led by Professor Hongfeng Guo at the Chinese National Astronomical Observatory in Beijing / Chinese Academy of Sciences. This year Hongfeng will be participating in Global Science Opera for the third year in a row. As part of the 2017 “Moon Village” opera production, she plans to engage Chinese school students in the preparation of an introductory art/science video inspired by international lunar research.