Work on ”field portrait” of schools started in DiSko

In the project “School and concert – from transmission to dialogue”, fieldwork has started. This first half year is dedicated to analysis and exploration of four different school contexts, and a “field portrait” of each school will be constructed on basis of interviews, observation, conversations, focus groups, document/curriculum analysis and literature reviews. The researchers are aiming at picturing the school as an environment for site-specific partnership collaborations in music. What are the schools’ needs when visiting musicians enter school, which strengths weaknesses, opportunities and threats towards ownership and site-specificity is there in the different schools?

Linking science investigation and world peace

Jonathan Harris, is Head of Academy Music at the Premier Academy (Milton Keynes, UK), and the UK “alpha-contact” for the Global Science Opera. He is now working on a new version of his song “Bring Peace” for this year’s Global Science Opera, “Moon Village”. Originally written for the 2015 GSO Production, “SkyLight“, he now hopes that many children and students taking part in this year’s GSO can learn and record the song together. The song lyrics link science investigation and world peace.



Professional storytellers creates scene in Moon Village

The Italian Story-Telling Center in Portico di Romagna will collaborate with the Global Science Opera (GSO) in 2017 during the “Moon Village” opera production. During the year, the Italian team,  here represented by  Giovanna Conforto (photo),  will create a scene within the opera, together with Italian pupils.

School and concert – from transmission to dialogue

DiSko is an innovation project intending to innovate school concert practices produced  and implemented nationally by Arts for Young Audiences Norway (AYAN) and regional partners in Norway. The project will innovate an established practice through research based innovation procedures in order to respond to challenges connected to school ownership and school integration. This research-based innovation work will be carried out over four years with a selection of schools and groups of musicians and producers from NCA within a budget of 7.4 mill NOK. The DiSko project will develop and try out alternative concert forms, which to a greater degree can be experienced and shared by pupils, teachers as well as musicians. Our research questions are:

  • How can dialogue based concert practices be produced in order to be integrated as meaningful and professional elements in school´s everyday life?
  • How can schools facilitate such integration in their work with teaching, learning and Bildung?

DiSko´s point of departure is that shared ownership emerges through equity-based relations, and our practical innovation processes will be grounded in this belief.  From the practical iterations of concert productions, researchers will develop analysis and research reports, and parallel to the concert production activities, a continuous implementation and discussion will take place. An interactive website will be a central component in the communication between researchers, musicians, teachers and users, other interested persons and organizations.

Funding: the Norwegian Research council (NFR)

Project owner: The Norwegian Concert Agency (NCA)

Research partner: CASE center, at Stord/Haugesund University College