Two new Artscience works published

The ART@CREATIONS project (UhnettVest) has recently published two new artworks.

I’d Go To Jail For a Whale” is an animation artwork for primary school children about wildlife preservation. It is set to music composed by Oded Ben-Horin and performed by the Swiss-Norwegian jazz ensemble, The Science Fair. (Animation: Jose Eduardo Garcia Aldama Pepe (Volda Univ. College)).

Liebe Radioaktive Damen und Herren” is an artwork inspired by the letter (1930) in which physicist Wolfgang Pauli postulated the existence of a Neutrino particle. The video includes University of Stavanger dance students (choreographed by Hagit Yakira), animation by Jose Eduardo Garcia Aldama Pepe (Volda Univ. College), and the MITAKA astronomy software (Japanese National Observatory in Tokyo). The music was composed by Petros Stergiopoulos (EA, Greece) and Oded Ben-Horin (HVL). Performing musicians: Bettina Smith (mezzosoprano, Univ. of Stavanger); Stein Inge Brækhus (percussion, Univ. of Stavanger); Petros Stergiopoulos (flute and keyboards).

One Ocean – Global Science Opera premiere on the 12th of December 2018

Did you know the ocean produces half the oxygen you breathe? That 95% of the ocean is yet to be discovered? That the ocean-floor beneath the Arctic ice is crawling with life? Join Sophia, Mo and their friends around the globe in discovering the secrets of the ocean

The Global Science Opera (GSO) exists at the meeting point of science and art, of pupils and scientists, of all human cultures. It is a global creative education initiative made possible through digital interactions and live-streaming.

In GSO 2018, students from primary schools to universities, scientists, teachers, and artists from over 20 countries join hands in this creative quest to learn about the ocean, sustainability and climate change. They create and perform simultaneously on the world-wide stage of the internet.

Click to view the One Ocean premier on December 12th at 2PM EMT!

The One Ocean concept was developed in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Marine Research and the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR). For more information:

First artwork by ART@CREATIONS – «The Big Bang», is now online

The UH nettVest project ART@CREATIONS is a concept and network of artists in dialogue with the European Commission’s Horizon2020 project, “Developing an Engaging Science Classroom (CREATIONS)”.

ART@CREATIONS recently completed its first artwork inspired by The Big Bang and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan’s MITAKA software’s depictions of the Universe.


  • Oded Ben-Horin (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences) – lyrics, music arrangement, production
  • Hagit Yakira – choreographer and video director
  • Kiraly St. Claire – editor and filmography
  • Bettina Smith (University of Stavanger) – mezzosoprano
  • Petros Stergiopoulos (Ellinogermaniki Agogi) – flute
  • Tor Yttredal (University of Stavanger) – saxophone
  • Einar Røttingen (University of Bergen) – piano
  • Frode Hammersland (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences) – bass
  • Stein Inge Brækhus (University Of Stavanger) – drums, percussion, recording, mix
  • Dance students of the University of Stavanger
  • Jakub Niedziela (student at the University of Stavanger) – bass
  • Maria Karpinets (student at the University of Stavanger) – oboe
  • Jose Eduardo Garcia Aldama Pepe (student at Volda University College) – animation
  • NordLight Studios – Filming of dancers
  • National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Professor Agata – MITAKA Software
  • The music performed is an arrangement of the Prelude in C Major (Well Tempered Clavier) by J. S. Bach


Glimpses from the Arts and Education 2017 seminar at Stord

This  interactive international seminar organized by Kulturtanken – Arts for Young Audiences Norway and the DiSko project, CASE center in the end of  October hosted international keynotes and clinicians: Eric Booth, US, the founder of the Teaching Artist movement, professor Gert Biesta, UK, and professor Liora Bresler, US (video in Norwegian).

Moon Village – a Global Science Opera

Preparations have begun for the Global Science Opera’s production in 2017, “Moon Village”! The science opera will be performed around the world and streamed online: A year-long creative inquiry shared by schools, universities and art institutions in 25 countries. It will communicate the process, science and technology of the European Space Agency’s Moon Village. In March, members and students of the EU Erasmus+ “SPACE” project will gather at the European Space Agency’s Technology Center (ESTEC) in Holland to receive inspiration, and to plan the performance of the Dutch GSO team at ESTEC during the opera premier in December. “Moon Village” will be a cooperation with a network of institutions and these projects:

  • Flagship Initiative of the European Commission’s Horizons 2020 Project CREATIONS.
  • The European Commission’s Erasmus+ project SPACE.
  • The Norwegian Research Council’s project iSCOPE.


Ghost Particles – a Global Science Opera (official trailer)

Global Science Opera is the first ever opera initiative to be created, produced and performed as a global community.
Ghost Particles will premiere worldwide on November 19th 2016. This new production tells the story of the amazing zoo of particles starring Higgs Boson, Neutrinos and Photons. It will be streamed online by TV-Haugaland and will include a virtual live visit to the CMS experiment at CERN, the largest multinational particle physics lab in the world. The opera’s scientific concept was provided by Dr. Sofoklis Sotiriou (EA, Greece).
The Global Science Opera is co-organized at Stord Haugesund University College in Norway, in collaboration with a global network including RESEO, art@CMS, Global Hands on Universe and Galileo Teacher Training Program.
The opera is a flagship initiative of the European Commission’s Horizons 2020 Project CREATIONS, which develops creative approaches based on art for engaging science classrooms. It furthermore provides a research focus for the Norwegian Research Council’s project “iSCOPE“.
The opera may be viewed online here on Nov. 19th, 2016 at 1:30 PM GMT:
Find out more at

Global Hands on Universe & Galileo

Global Hands-On Universe Conference 2016 took place in Stord,Rommetveit Campus, Norway from 22 to 27 August 2016, along with the annual Galileo Teacher Training Program (GTTP) international workshop for teachers and educators. It was a great and very successfull week with participants from all over the world. The focus of the conference was the potential in meetings between arts and science education. In the video you can listen to some reactions from participants: